Panic Attacks: Symptoms and Strategies To Cope With It

A panic attack occurs when nervousness and tension are completely out of control. This situation causes acute fear, which further increases nervous tension. Due to this, the panic attack continues to progress and may recur. We are talking about a mental disorder, the roots of which should be sought in prolonged stress. 

In order to begin to control such attacks, firstly, you need to analyze your life. This is where the causes of panic attacks are hidden. A psychologist can be of great help in solving this problem. Thanks to psychotherapy sessions, a person manages to get to know himself better and begin to control his reactions. This plays a key role in preventing the occurrence of new panic attacks.

Sometimes it is enough just to slow down and start a more measured life, avoiding stressful situations. Gradually, panic attacks will become less intense and one day they will stop altogether.

Panic Attack And Its Symptoms

Quite often, a panic attack appears suddenly. This is especially true when it occurs in humans for the first time. Typically, the duration of such a state is 10-20 minutes, although some symptoms of a panic attack may persist for longer. What are the symptoms that might indicate that a person is experiencing a panic attack? You should note the following signs:

  • Chest pain, dizziness, and feeling like you’re about to pass out
  • Fear of losing control over what is happening and fear of imminent death
  • Choking, labored breathing
  • Nausea and discomfort in the stomach
  • Increase in heart rate. The heart begins to beat faster, and the pulse rises
  • Cold sweat and shivering

If a person is often disturbed by such conditions, he/she can foresee the approach of a panic attack. It is at this point that you need to start using some strategies to maintain control over the situation.

Strategies To Avoid Panic Attack

Here are some strategies that can help you avoid panic attacks:

Stay Away From Alcohol

Frequent and long-term alcohol abuse can induce panic attacks and even lead to PTSD in some people. The effects become even more prominent if a person is already suffering from panic disorder or anxiety. Therefore, if your spouse or partner suffers from panic attacks and also abuses alcohol, you need to be empathetic and help him/her. 

Alcohol can be a trigger to causing panic attacks. And if your partner is struggling with these problems, you must consult a doctor regarding how to deal with a spouse with addiction and panic disorder. Through such professional help, you will surely be able to bring your partner back to life.

Right Lifestyle

You need to adopt strategies that will help you improve your life. Perhaps you should be more mindful of your diet, get more rest, have more free time, exercise, and develop several other healthy habits. This is the first preventive measure. Adopt the right lifestyle and avoid sitting idle. You must find some healthy habits that help you stay active.

Lead A Normal Life

A person who has panic attacks should not consider himself ill. He/she can live a normal life like the rest of the people. The causes of a panic attack may vary from person to person; however, in most cases, a person’s inner self is to blame. This means that the environment of a person and the actions of other people do not affect the appearance of this problem.

Avoid Living In Anticipation Of Future Problems

To prevent the occurrence of such emotional reactions, it is very important to avoid thoughts that cause anxiety. So, do not think about what exactly can provoke a new panic attack. After all, the real reason for the appearance of this state is fear. Therefore, you must prevent all such situations that trigger fear and thus panic attack.

Prepare Positive Phrases

These phrases will help you stay in control when you notice the first signs of a panic attack. Their main idea is to repeat to themselves: “I will not die, it’s just fear.” Such phrases will help calm nervous tension and convince you that the feeling of imminent death is false.

Focus On One Thing

Try to look at a specific object, it can be a button on your clothes or a car license plate. Focus on specific sounds: car horns, birdsong, and people’s voices. As soon as your thoughts focus on external stimuli, the fear that causes a panic attack will begin to recede. The main thing here is to distract yourself and avoid thinking about things that cause stress.

Avoid Getting Angry Or Upset

You can’t blame yourself for having a panic attack. Sometimes you can fall into real despair, saying to yourself “it happened again, how weak I am (how weak I am)”, and “this is terrible”. Such phrases only hurt more. Arguing in this way will not solve the problem, but will only exacerbate it. That is why it is recommended to respond to such situations with humor.

Learn To Accept Help

There are times when everyone needs the help of professionals. Don’t be afraid of the psychologist. He or she will help you overcome panic attacks. Therefore, be open to getting help from others as it is going to benefit your health in the longer run.

Panic Attacks Treatment

The goal of professional treatment is to help the patient return to a normal life again. It may be necessary to combine psychotherapy with medication for this. Usually, for this purpose, doctors use medications intended for the treatment of depression, sedatives, and hypnotic agents. This helps to eliminate the symptoms of panic attacks.

Support groups have also shown to be effective. When people share their experiences with others who have experienced the same, they stop feeling lonely. You should note that people who experience frequent panic attacks have a higher risk of developing alcohol and drug addiction. That is why it is important for relatives and friends to carefully look at what exactly is happening with their loved ones. This will help avoid even bigger problems.

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